Ethical Sales Practices for Next-Level Sales & Marketing Success

Sales Call Anxiety?

What Is a Sales Call? 

"A sales call is an unsolicited phone call that a salesperson makes to a prospective customer to generate business. Sales calls allow sales reps to convey important information about a good or service that they hope will hook the customer and result in a sale"

    • Prospecting, pitching, talking points, closing—sales conversations can feel overwhelming, especially when you have to do them over the phone. 
    • These calls are an essential part of the sales process, and there are many ways to use them to your advantage. Read on for tips and tricks to help make your next sales call a success.

Selling is defined as a transaction that adds value to the buyer by meeting his or her needs and results in mutual benefit for both the seller and buyer. 

Prospecting is the focused, persistent and systematic method of developing sales leads and beginning relationships that lead to sales.

Please WATCH below Video. With these best practices, you’ll have a framework for crafting your next sales script.